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Supporting Our Clients: An Update from Mitchell Casualty Solutions Technology Enabled Services

June 12, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, companies around the world are still facing many challenges, including how to remain operational in a remote environment while continuing to provide customers with excellent service. Mitchell Technology Enabled Services provides mailroom, bill review, clinical and bodily injury review services to Mitchell | Genex's workers' compensation and auto casualty clients. As the pandemic continues and we face new challenges ahead of us, we wanted to share what we've done to keep our services up and running during this time. Additionally, we'll provide insight into our business continuity plans, the steps we have taken to maintain our service levels and how we are preparing for the future.

Operating as Promised

Throughout the pandemic, we have successfully maintained our ability to serve you with minimal disruption. Even before many of the stay-at-home orders were issued across the globe, we implemented our business continuity plans and successfully—and quickly—transitioned our onshore and offshore teams to operate remotely. Throughout the transition, we continue to focus on data security and have experienced no security-related issues.

At this time, the Mitchell Technology Enabled Services team continues to operate at our normal service levels, regularly meeting or exceeding service level agreements and turnaround times, as well as adding new services and clients.

How the Technology Enabled Services Team Has Kept Operations Running

The keys to our success are attributed to four key areas: Mitchell's service delivery model, redundant operations around the globe, business continuity planning and strong partnerships. Let's take a closer look at how each of these factors helped maintain our ability to serve you.

Mitchell's Service Delivery Model

Mitchell designed our Technology Enabled Services operational model to allow us to be nimble and flexible as new scenarios arise and customer requirements change. Operationally, we have extensive experience shifting resources, scaling and adding capacity. When the pandemic hit, causing governments to issue stay-at-home orders, we were ready to shift workflows and adapt to changing client needs.

Locations Around the World

Mitchell Technology Enabled Services operates from 14 locations in seven countries around the globe. We have redundancies built-in with multiple partners throughout the different geographical locations. As COVID-19-related restrictions went into place around the world, we were able to shift our services and capacity to different areas and office locations not yet impacted by the pandemic to allow other teams to transition to working from home with minimal to no disruption to our clients.

Business Continuity Plans

Mitchell has extensive business continuity plans, and as COVID-19 began to pose a threat across the world, we activated those programs. While the existing plans did not originally outline information specific to pandemics, the communications, failover processes and workforce planning we had in place prepared Technology Enabled Services to manage our operations during the transition phase. Thanks to these plans, the Technology Enabled Services team and our partners were prepared to manage through this crisis and continue to service clients.

Strong Partnerships

All Mitchell partners are extensively vetted and held to the same standards of service, security and preparedness that Mitchell holds itself. Due to our detailed partnership process throughout the pandemic, Mitchell was able to trust and lean on its service partners around the world to help maintain operations.

Lessons Learned

Throughout the pandemic, we have experienced and overcome a variety of challenges that have reminded us of what's really important.

People First

Throughout the pandemic, the health and safety of our employees continues to drive Technology Enabled Services operational decisions. As the leadership teams have made decisions and transitioned our employees to remote status, the importance of teamwork and communication has been priority number one.

Importance of Preparation

More than ever, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of business continuity plans. Our advanced preparation helped everyone to stay calm and continue to serve you effectively. We will continue to refine our plans to incorporate pandemic specific scenarios.

Staying One Step Ahead

Another key lesson learned was the value of always looking ahead. Planning for potential challenges ahead has helped us prepare for multiple possible scenarios throughout the pandemic. This crisis is not over, and we are focused on identifying future risks and mitigating impacts to our clients.

Preparing For Next Steps

As the situation related to COVID-19 continues to change both around the country and throughout the world, the Technology Enabled Services team is looking ahead and is prepared to support you through any upcoming changes and shifts. Moving forward, we are:

  • Developing and refining recovery plans for returning to our offices while considering the health and safety of our associates.
  • Updating and reviewing business continuity plans to specifically include pandemic information and planning for a potential resurgence.
  • Exploring potential technology and automation to manage potential long term WFH capabilities and alternative delivery models.
  • Forecasting and monitoring volumes and patterns to prepare for recovery as well as enable the ability to add services and implement new clients.

Our priority remains serving you, our clients. As the restrictions begin to lift in states across the U.S. and in countries around the world, check back for additional Technology Enabled Services updates and information.