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Mitchell Launches New Image Viewer for Mitchell SmartAdvisor Platform and Mitchell Claims Examiner Portal

September 29, 2020


Mitchell recently launched a new image viewer for its bill review and related products that significantly improves the time it takes for users to open and reference images related to medical bills.

Using the new image viewer, users can load medical bills and other related images in less than half a second on average—the product currently services 2,000 requests to view images per minute and has the ability to scale to a significantly larger volume of users. As demonstrated in the video above, this can provide significant time savings compared to the previous image viewer.

In addition to being able to view the images more quickly within Mitchell’s applications, users can now also print and download the images in multiple formats as needed, eliminating the need to toggle between multiple image-handling solutions.

The new image viewer is available today for current Mitchell SmartAdvisor and Mitchell Claims Examiner Portal clients. Mitchell will be rolling out the image viewer for its other Casualty Solutions products, including Mitchell DecisonPoint, over the next year. Mitchell clients can contact their client services manager for additional information regarding this new feature.