Workers' Comp

FDA Approves Higher Dose Naloxone, Kloxxado

May 14, 2021

Naloxone has been known by different brand names over the years as the primary treatment of opioid overdose. With the FDA's recent approval, Hikma Pharmaceuticals introduces a new formulation of naloxone, Kloxxado, to treat known or suspected opioid overdose in adult and pediatric patients. The new addition of Kloxxado to the market in the second half of 2021 will give prescribers more options to address opioid overdoses and into the hands of patients in need. Pricing is not currently available for Kloxxado.

How is Kloxxado Administered?

Similar to Narcan, Kloxxado is administered via the intranasal route. This first dose is recommended to be administered into one nostril delivering 8mg of naloxone per spray, which is twice the dose compared to Narcan's 4mg and 2mg per spray. Following the administration of Kloxxado, the patient should seek immediate medical attention, as Kloxxado is not a substitute for emergency medical care. According to Hikma, illicit synthetic opioids overdose may warrant this emergency rescue dose of 8mg.

Impact on Workers' Compensation

At this time, the impact on workers' compensation is still unknown. However, there are some areas we could anticipate seeing Kloxxado's effect: very high-MED claims, claims that have a history of opioid abuse, or instances where a higher dose naloxone treatment is preferential to potential multiple lower-dose naloxone treatments.

As more information becomes available on Kloxxado, we will continue to keep our clients updated.

Learn more about naloxone and the opioid crisis.